

Go Beyond the Classroom and Into Your Work

In addition to its globally recognized Scrum Training and Certification Programs, is now offering the Guided Learning Platform to help people and teams develop proficiency while performing their work.’s Guided Learning Platform, an asynchronous learning experience, incorporates curated exercises based on your current skill level and responsive guidance from Scrum professionals, all within a software platform that helps manage your agile journey.

Guided Learning can begin with an initial survey that helps you establish your proficiency baseline. You’re then invited to complete regularly assigned exercises designed to help you develop your Professional Scrum competencies. After you complete each exercise, a professional guide will provide iterative feedback until the exercise is considered done. Your professional guide recommends future exercises based on your interests, needs and progress.

Guided Learning Platform Components
  • Exercise Library - Experiential Assignments to Deepen Your Proficiency in Professional Scrum Competencies and Complementary Practices

    • Learn Through Application in Your Actual Work

    • Leverage’s Global Knowledge Base

    • Customize Exercises to Meet Your Needs

  • Portfolio Software - Enables Your Learning Journey Curation and Incremental Feedback Loops

    • Access Assigned Exercises

    • Submit Evidence of Your Work

    • Receive Incremental Feedback 

  • Professional Guidance - Personalized Guidance and Feedback

    • Baseline Your Proficiency

    • Collaborate Asynchronously with Professional Guides

    • Validate Your Growth

Who Should Consider The Guided Learning Platform?

The Guided Learning Platform is for people and teams interesting in investing in their ongoing development and growth. 


Your Potential Exercise Topics

The Guided Learning Platform aligns with Professional Scrum Competencies and Complementary Practices